GDPR Compliance

GDPR Compliance Service

On the 25th of May 2018 the law changed the ways businesses can collect, store and use personal data throughout the EU and beyond. Every business in the EU and businesses outside the EU that collects, stores or processes personal data for business purposes must comply with the new EU law under GDPR. The new requirements for personal data protection were introduced to replace the current localised directives, such as the 1998 data protection act, in the UK. These directives were enforced by individual member states, which has become to the General Data Protection Regulation to bring consistency across the European Union. It's never too late to become compliant!

Personal Data Checklist

Personal Data

‘Personal data’ is any information that identifies a natural person such as: email addresses, addresses, national insurance numbers that companies collect and store. Use our checklist to see what personal data your business holds.

Our Approach


Our service will ensure ongoing compliance through continued periodic reviews.


Our consultants will help you to implement the required documentation and processes to comply with GDPR.


We will provide an initial assessment of your current Data Protection procedures.


Following an assessment, our consultants will identify the areas of your current procedures, that need to be addressed to comply with GDPR.

We Provide:

- An initial Assessment

- Personal Data Identification and Documentation

- Data Protection Impact Assessments

- Data Protection Processes

- Data Breach Reports

- Periodic ReviewsWe 
